I had to pop into the Choccywoccydoodah cafe, even though all I drank was tea... Of course I had to. Just check out the menu, for cripes sake. M had a delicious peanut butter shake. After stealing a sip, I have to say it was exactly what was called for - a real thin, subtly flavoured shake which was really refreshing in the heat. I'm sure most people would have wanted something thicker and stronger, but we had to save ourselves for Jamie's Italian...
While we were in there, a couple were browsing through a catalouge of cakes,while the waiter hovered over them. This made me prick my ears up because I'd only just been talking about how I used to drool over Choccywoccydoodah wedding cakes a few years ago during my first round of wedding planning.
"This one would be about £800." the guy was saying.
I nearly inhaled the milkshake straw.
K, M and I exchanged glances filled with the agony of being too poor to spend £800 on a cake.
"Or something like this would set you back about two grand," the Choccywoccydoodah man was saying.
I didn't see exactly which cake this was, but I'm sure it was suitably amazing.
"It's not the materials that cost, it's the work that goes into it," he continued.
Blimey. For someone who takes nearly two months of sweating over a keyboard to earn that much cash, that was one painful sentence. I'm definitely in the wrong profession.
To check out the host of chocolatey delights we could have chosen from, follow this link to the cafe's menu.
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